Romanesque art and architecturee

This site aims to present the religious and architectural heritage of France and Europe, through the different periods and currents from the Romanesque to the Gothic.

We associate ourselves to:

Editions Zodiaque
Former art publications from Abbaye de la Pierre qui Vire
Amigos del romanico
Spanish Association for the Promotion of Romanesque Art, which publishes a biannual magazine
Observatoire du Patrimoine religieux
Association that works to preserve and promote French religious heritage, all religions combined.

Introduction à l'Art roman

The Romanesque architecture of France does not form an indisputable unity, but it has a large number of regional schools which are sometimes very clearly distinguished from each other. However, it shows a vitality whose influence will be felt differently in most European countries.

Pilgrimages spread the French style in while the Crusades gave birth to Franco-Romanesque churches in Syria and Palestine. The Normans impose their constructions in England. The architecture peculiar to the monastic orders of Cluny and Cîteaux is imitated almost everywhere in Western, Southern and Central Europe. It should also not be forgotten that the sculpture of Bourgondy et d'Aquitania at the same time inspired artists from Italy, Spain, England and even other countries.

Conversely, certain foreign styles entered French territory. Characteristics of Ottonian art prevail in the Northeast; Alsace and Lorraine do not belong to the French architectural domain but to the Rhine domain. The Mozarabic influences extend in the South-West and in Auvergnia; those of the Catalan region betray themselves as a border country. In Provence and in the Rhône valley, there are Lombard bell towers and Emilian portals with column-bearing lions. We could cite a large number of other examples, but French Romanesque art remains no less original and dominates, both in quality and quantity, all artistic production in Europe during this period.

Some readings recommendation

Many books exist, visiting guides, encyclopedias...

Please consult our Library to discover interresting editions.

Editions Zodiaque

Former art publications from Abbaye de la Pierre qui Vire
Initiation à l'Art roman

240 pages,
, Zodiaque
A la découverte de 850 églises romanes de France

655 pages
, Duculot
Le monde roman : Par-delà le bien et le mal

288 pages
, Arkhê

Focus on Corsica

Built on a basilica plan, with very few openings, the Romanesque churches of Corsica first surprise the traveler who considers them austere. However, very quickly, they seduce him, as they blend harmoniously with their natural setting. The enigmatic reliefs that adorn them add to their charm a scent of mystery.

Country and districts

Romanesque Norvegia
